Editor updates to Device Support Extensions binding Document,
Version 0.8.
- Page 4, lines 15-21: Reformatted "language" property.
- Page 4, line 29: Changed wording from 'scancode->char' to 'scancode to
- Page 5, lines 20-36: Reformatted "#buttons" and "absolute-position"
- Page 5, line 56: Added 'The value for 'pos.x' increases moving to
the right direction and the value for 'pos.y' increases moving in a
downward direction'.
- Page 6, section 6.: Changed section 6. to reflect proposal #350. Added
'sample rate of 8KHz' to line 41, page 6. Added Section 6.1.1 as an
example of sound terms 'sample', 'frame' and 'frames/sec'.
- Page 9, line 54: Changed note from 'Size should not include any area
that is pre-allocated manufacturing specific implementation outside areas
defined by system architecture specification' to 'Size returned by the
'size' method is 0 to n-1 where n is the size defined by the platform'.
- Page 11, line 33-34: Changed from 'The default mode is 9600,8,n,1,-'
to a note, stating 'The serial device default mode mode is 9600,8,n,1,- if
the 'open' arguments are not specified'.
- Page 12, line 13: Added section 9., 'network' device to include proposals
#378 and #379 as ammended in OFWG Meeting.
- Page 16, line 37: Added 'network' to '/aliases Node Properties'.